Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Thundersleet aftermath 2/1/2011

 This is one of those events that makes me glad I live in Texas. The continuously changing weather and forecast challenges are fun... at least to one who doesn't have to go driving out in the ice and doesn't have the pressure of a community demanding a decent forecast (and yes other states probably have greater extremes than we do here in Texas). To me it is always neat to see the variation God put into the weather and how he moves air masses however he wants to. I have said it once before, but I will say it again:
I hope that I never forget the majesty of my God and the wonder at all he has created. It is times like these that should remind us who is really master of creation.

When I got up this morning the temperature was around 16 degrees. Currently (as of 3pm) the temperature is just under 18 degrees.
Cold air seems to have filtered in a little faster than forecasted and the winter storm warning was extended further east.
During the night there were periods of very heavy sleet and occasional lightning. Some of the pellets looked like they were about a quarter of an inch across.
Ice totals seems to be about an inch deep across the yard and street with drifts over twice that in a few places.
We have also had snow flurries that are just now tapering off. It seems to be originating from clouds that are very low or near the surface and probably less than a thousand feet thick.

Water flowing under an inch of ice.

My very cold siblings.

About an inch to an inch and a half of ice on the sidewalk. 

Thought the fog on the lens when I brought the camera in from the outside made for some interesting atmospheric effects.

It always amazes me when I see the number of people that still drive out on the ice. There were at least a couple people that managed to get off to work. And there have been a few people on the Plano repeater calling in as "mobile". The mail man got stuck in our neighborhood after getting too close to the curb where water was flowing just under about a half-inch to an inch of slick ice. Thankfully he managed to get out with the help of a tow truck.

All in all it was quite an eventful winter storm.

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